Definition at line 33 of file noncopyable.h.
Inherited by stxxl::stream::basic_runs_creator< stream::use_push< ValueType >, cmp_type, BlockSize, alloc_strategy_type > [private]
, stxxl::stream::basic_runs_merger< sorted_runs_type, CompareType, AllocStr > [private]
, stxxl::stream::basic_runs_merger< typename runs_creator_type::sorted_runs_type, cmp_type, alloc_strategy_type > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::block_cache< block_type > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::block_cache_write_buffer< block_type > [private]
, stxxl::buffered_writer< block_type > [private]
, stxxl::buffered_writer< stxxl::typed_block > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::hash_map< KeyType, MappedType, HashType, CompareType, SubBlockSize, SubBlocksPerBlock, AllocType > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::int_merger< value_type, comparator_type, IntKMAX > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::iterator_map< self_type > [private]
, stxxl::btree::iterator_map< self_type > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< self_type, comparator_type, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< self_type, comparator_type, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< self_type, CompareType, Arity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< self_type, CompareType, Arity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< self_type, CompareType, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< self_type, CompareType, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::btree::node_cache< leaf_type, self_type > [private]
, stxxl::btree::node_cache< node_type, self_type > [private]
, stxxl::read_write_pool< block_type > [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< BID< BlockSize > > [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< bid_type > [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< int_type > [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< list_type::iterator > [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< stxxl::counting_ptr > [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< stxxl::typed_block > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< block_manager > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< config > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< disk_queues > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< logger > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< matrix_operation_statistic > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< stats > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< tuning > [private]
, stxxl::state< request_state > [private]
, stxxl::state< thread_state > [private]
, stxxl::block_prefetcher< BlockType, BidIteratorType > [private]
, stxxl::block_scheduler< SwappableBlockType > [private]
, stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm< SwappableBlockType > [private]
, stxxl::btree::btree< KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy > [private]
, stxxl::btree::iterator_map< BTreeType > [private]
, stxxl::btree::node_cache< NodeType, BTreeType > [private]
, stxxl::btree::normal_leaf< KeyType, DataType, KeyCmp, LogNElem, BTreeType > [private]
, stxxl::btree::normal_node< KeyType, KeyCmp, RawSize, BTreeType > [private]
, stxxl::buf_istream< BlockType, BidIteratorType > [private]
, stxxl::buf_istream_reverse< BlockType, BidIteratorType > [private]
, stxxl::buf_ostream< BlockType, BidIteratorType > [private]
, stxxl::buffered_writer< BlockType > [private]
, stxxl::cmdline_parser [private]
, stxxl::condition_variable [private]
, stxxl::deque< ValueType, VectorType > [private]
, stxxl::disk_allocator [private]
, stxxl::file [private]
, stxxl::grow_shrink_stack< StackConfig > [private]
, stxxl::grow_shrink_stack2< StackConfig > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::block_cache< BlockType > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::block_cache_write_buffer< BlockType > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::buffered_reader< CacheType, BidIterator > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::buffered_writer< BlockType, BidContainer > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::hash_map< KeyType, MappedType, HashType, KeyCompareType, SubBlockSize, SubBlocksPerBlock, AllocatorType > [private]
, stxxl::hash_map::iterator_map< HashMap > [private]
, stxxl::loser_tree< RunCursorType, RunCursorCmpType > [private]
, stxxl::lru_pager< npages_ > [private]
, stxxl::map< KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy > [private]
, stxxl::migrating_stack< CritSize, ExternalStack, InternalStack > [private]
, stxxl::mutex [private]
, stxxl::normal_stack< StackConfig > [private]
, stxxl::onoff_switch [private]
, stxxl::parallel::LoserTreeCopyUnguardedBase< ValueType, Comparator > [private]
, stxxl::parallel::LoserTreePointerUnguardedBase< ValueType, Comparator > [private]
, stxxl::parallel_priority_queue< ValueType, CompareType, AllocStrategy, BlockSize, DefaultMemSize, MaxItems > [private]
, stxxl::ppq_local::external_array< ValueType, BlockSize, AllocStrategy > [private]
, stxxl::ppq_local::external_array_writer< ExternalArrayType >, stxxl::ppq_local::internal_array< ValueType > [private]
, stxxl::prefetch_pool< BlockType > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue< ConfigType > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::ext_merger< BlockType, CompareType, Arity, AllocStr > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::ext_merger< BlockType, CompareType, Arity, AllocStr >::sequence_state [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::int_merger< ValueType, CompareType, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< ValueType, CompareType, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< ValueType, CompareType, MaxArity > [private]
, stxxl::queue< ValueType, BlockSize, AllocStr, SizeType > [private]
, stxxl::read_write_pool< BlockType > [private]
, stxxl::request_interface [private]
, stxxl::request_queue [private]
, stxxl::semaphore [private]
, stxxl::sequence< ValueType, BlockSize, AllocStr, SizeType > [private]
, stxxl::simdisk_geometry [private]
, stxxl::simple_vector< ValueType > [private]
, stxxl::singleton< INSTANCE, destroy_on_exit > [private]
, stxxl::sorter< ValueType, CompareType, BlockSize, AllocStrategy > [private]
, stxxl::state< ValueType > [private]
, stxxl::stream::basic_runs_creator< Input, CompareType, BlockSize, AllocStr > [private]
, stxxl::stream::basic_runs_merger< RunsType, CompareType, AllocStr > [private]
, stxxl::stream::runs_creator< from_sorted_sequences< ValueType >, CompareType, BlockSize, AllocStr > [private]
, stxxl::stream::runs_creator< use_push< ValueType >, CompareType, BlockSize, AllocStr > [private]
, stxxl::stream::sort< Input, CompareType, BlockSize, AllocStr, RunsCreatorType >, stxxl::stream::sorted_runs< TriggerEntryType, CompareType > [private]
, stxxl::swap_vector< ValueType > [private]
, stxxl::unordered_map< KeyType, MappedType, HashType, CompareType, SubBlockSize, SubBlocksPerBlock, AllocType > [private]
, stxxl::vector_bufreader< VectorIteratorType >, stxxl::vector_bufreader_reverse< VectorIteratorType >, stxxl::vector_bufwriter< VectorIteratorType >, stxxl::write_pool< BlockType > [private]
, stxxl::swap_vector< external_array_type > [private]
, and stxxl::swap_vector< internal_array_type > [private]
stxxl::noncopyable::noncopyable |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
stxxl::noncopyable::noncopyable |
( |
const noncopyable & |
| ) |
private |
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