ksort_local | |
 priority_queue_local | |
  ext_merger | External merger, based on the loser tree data structure. ! |
  internal_priority_queue | Similar to std::priority_queue, with the following differences: |
  invert_order | Inverts the order of a comparison functor by swapping its arguments |
  internal_bounded_stack | Similar to std::stack, with the following differences: |
  loser_tree | Loser tree from Knuth, "Sorting and Searching", Section 5.4.1 ! |
 sort_helper | |
 sort_local | |
 stable_ksort_local | |
 stream | Stream package subnamespace |
  choose< Input_, 1 > | Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the first component of each tuple |
  choose< Input_, 2 > | Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the second component of each tuple |
  choose< Input_, 3 > | Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the third component of each tuple |
  choose< Input_, 4 > | Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the fourth component of each tuple |
  choose< Input_, 5 > | Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the fifth component of each tuple |
  choose< Input_, 6 > | Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the sixth component of each tuple |
  basic_runs_creator | Forms sorted runs of data from a stream |
  runs_creator | Forms sorted runs of data from a stream |
  use_push | Input strategy for runs_creator class |
  runs_creator< use_push< ValueType_ >, Cmp_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_ > | Forms sorted runs of elements passed in push() method |
  from_sorted_sequences | Input strategy for runs_creator class |
  runs_creator< from_sorted_sequences< ValueType_ >, Cmp_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_ > | Forms sorted runs of data taking elements in sorted order (element by element) |
  basic_runs_merger | Merges sorted runs |
  runs_merger | Merges sorted runs |
  sort | Produces sorted stream from input stream |
  compute_sorted_runs_type | Computes sorted runs type from value type and block size |
  sorted_runs | All sorted runs of a sort operation |
  iterator2stream | A model of stream that retrieves the data from an input iterator For convenience use streamify function instead of direct instantiation of iterator2stream |
  streamify_traits | Traits class of streamify function |
  vector_iterator2stream | A model of stream that retrieves data from an external stxxl::vector iterator. It is more efficient than generic iterator2stream thanks to use of overlapping For convenience use streamify function instead of direct instantiation of vector_iterator2stream |
  vector_iterator2stream_sr | Version of iterator2stream . Switches between vector_iterator2stream and iterator2stream |
  generator2stream | A model of stream that outputs data from an adaptable generator functor For convenience use streamify function instead of direct instantiation of generator2stream |
  transform | Processes (up to) 6 input streams using given operation functor |
  transform< Operation_, Input1_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper > | Processes an input stream using given operation functor |
  transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper > | Processes 2 input streams using given operation functor |
  transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper > | Processes 3 input streams using given operation functor |
  transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Stopper, Stopper > | Processes 4 input streams using given operation functor |
  transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Input5_, Stopper > | Processes 5 input streams using given operation functor |
  make_tuple | Creates stream of 6-tuples from 6 input streams |
  make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper > | Creates stream of 2-tuples (pairs) from 2 input streams |
  make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper > | Creates stream of 3-tuples from 3 input streams |
  make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Stopper, Stopper > | Creates stream of 4-tuples from 4 input streams |
  make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Input5_, Stopper > | Creates stream of 5-tuples from 5 input streams |
  unique | Equivalent to std::unique algorithms |
  unique< Input, dummy_cmp_unique_ > | Equivalent to std::unique algorithms |
 add_filler | Contains per block filler for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use |
 basic_allocation_strategy | Example disk allocation scheme functor |
 BID | Block identifier class |
 BID< 0 > | Specialization of block identifier class (BID) for variable size block size |
 block_manager | Block manager class |
 block_prefetcher | Encapsulates asynchronous prefetching engine |
 block_w_bids | Contains BID references for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use |
 block_w_info | Contains per block information for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use |
 buf_istream | Buffered input stream |
 buf_ostream | Buffered output stream |
 buffered_writer | Encapsulates asynchronous buffered block writing engine |
 completion_handler | Completion handler class (Loki-style) |
 config | Access point to disks properties |
 const_vector_iterator | Const external vector iterator, model of ext_random_access_iterator concept |
 default_completion_handler | Default completion handler class |
 deque | A deque container |
 disk_queued_file | Implementation of some file methods based on serving_request |
 disk_queues | Encapsulates disk queues |
 element_block | Contains data elements for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use |
 expand_struct | Helper to compute the size of the filler , not intended for direct use |
 file | Defines interface of file |
 fileperblock_file | Implementation of file based on other files, dynamically allocate one file per block. Allows for dynamic disk space consumption |
 FR | Fully randomized disk allocation scheme functor |
 grow_shrink_stack | Efficient implementation that uses prefetching and overlapping using internal buffers |
 grow_shrink_stack2 | Efficient implementation that uses prefetching and overlapping using (shared) buffers pools |
 IF | IF template metaprogramming statement |
 IF_N | |
 LOG2_floor | |
 lru_pager | Pager with LRU replacement strategy |
 malloc_stats | Access to some useful malloc statistics |
 map | External associative container |
 mem_file | Implementation of file based on new[] and memcpy |
 migrating_stack | A stack that migrates from internal memory to external when its size exceeds a certain threshold |
 mmap_file | Implementation of memory mapped access file |
 normal_stack | External stack container |
 offset_allocator | Allocator functor adaptor |
 prefetch_pool | Implements dynamically resizable prefetching pool |
 priority_queue | External priority queue data structure |
 PRIORITY_QUEUE_GENERATOR | Priority queue type generator |
 queue | External FIFO queue container |
 random_number | Uniform [0, N) pseudo-random generator |
 random_number32 | Fast uniform [0, 2^32) pseudo-random generator with period 2^32, random bits: 32 |
 random_number32_r | Fast uniform [0, 2^32) pseudo-random generator with period 2^32, random bits: 32. Reentrant variant of random_number32 that keeps it's private state |
 random_number64 | Slow and precise uniform [0, 2^64) pseudo-random generator |
 random_pager | Pager with random replacement strategy |
 random_uniform_fast | Fast uniform [0.0, 1.0) pseudo-random generator |
 random_uniform_slow | Slow and precise uniform [0.0, 1.0) pseudo-random generator period: at least 2^48, random bits: at least 31 |
 RC | Randomized cycling disk allocation scheme functor |
 read_write_pool | Implements dynamically resizable buffered writing and prefetched reading pool |
 request | Request with basic properties like file and offset |
 request_interface | Functional interface of a request |
 request_ptr | Implemented as reference counting smart pointer |
 request_with_state | Request with completion state |
 request_with_waiters | Request that is aware of threads waiting for it to complete |
 scoped_mutex_lock | Aquire a lock that's valid until the end of scope |
 serving_request | Request which serves an I/O by calling the synchronous routine of the file |
 sim_disk_file | Implementation of disk emulation |
 single_disk | 'single disk' disk allocation scheme functor |
 SR | Simple randomized disk allocation scheme functor |
 STACK_GENERATOR | Stack type generator |
 stats | Collects various I/O statistics |
 striping | Striping disk allocation scheme functor |
 syscall_file | Implementation of file based on UNIX syscalls |
 tuple | K-Tuple data type |
 tuple< T1, Plug, Plug, Plug, Plug > | Partial specialization for 1- tuple |
 tuple< T1, T2, Plug, Plug, Plug, Plug > | Partial specialization for 2- tuple (equivalent to std::pair) |
 tuple< T1, T2, T3, Plug, Plug, Plug > | Partial specialization for 3- tuple (triple) |
 tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, Plug, Plug > | Partial specialization for 4- tuple |
 tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Plug > | Partial specialization for 5- tuple |
 typed_block | Block containing elements of fixed length |
 ufs_file_base | Base for UNIX file system implementations |
 vector | External vector container |
 VECTOR_GENERATOR | External vector type generator |
 vector_iterator | External vector iterator, model of ext_random_access_iterator concept |
 wbtl_file | Implementation of file based on buffered writes and block remapping via a translation layer |
 write_pool | Implements dynamically resizable buffered writing pool |