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stxxl::sort -- Sorting Comparison-Based
Roman Dementiev (2006)

stxxl::sort is an external memory equivalent to STL std::sort. The design and implementation of the algorithm is described in detail in [26].


template < typename ExtIterator,
typename StrictWeakOrdering
void sort ( ExtIterator first,
ExtIterator last,
StrictWeakOrdering cmp,


stxxl::sort sorts the elements in [first, last) into ascending order, meaning that if i and j are any two valid iterators in [first, last) such that i precedes j, then *j is not less than *i. Note: as std::sort, stxxl::sort is not guaranteed to be stable. That is, suppose that *i and *j are equivalent: neither one is less than the other. It is not guaranteed that the relative order of these two elements will be preserved by stxxl::sort.

The order is defined by the cmp parameter. The sorter's internal memory consumption is bounded by M bytes.

firstobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
lastobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
cmpcomparison object of StrictWeakOrdering Comparison Concept
Mamount of memory for internal use (in bytes)

Requirements on Types

  • ExtIterator is a model of External Random Access Iterator (In STXXL currently only stxxl::vector provides iterators that are models of External Random Access Iterator.).
  • ExtIterator is mutable.
  • StrictWeakOrdering is a model of StrictWeakOrdering Comparison Concept
  • ExtIterator's value type is convertible to StrictWeakOrdering's argument type.

StrictWeakOrdering Comparison Concept

Model of StrictWeakOrdering Comparison concept must:

  • provide operator(a,b) that returns comparison result of two user types, must define strict weak ordering
  • provide max_value method that returns a value that is strictly greater than all other objects of user type,
  • provide min_value method that returns a value that is strictly less than all other objects of user type,
  • Note: when using unsigned integral types as key in user types, the value 0 cannot be used as a key value of the data to be sorted because it would conflict with the sentinel value returned by min_value
  • Note, that according to the stxxl::sort requirements min_value() and max_value() can not be present in the input sequence.


A comparator class for integers: my_less_int.

struct my_less_int
bool operator() (int a, int b) const
return a < b;
int min_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); };
int max_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); };

A comparator class my_less, that could be instantiated as e.g. my_less<int>, my_less<unsigned long>, etc.

template <typename ValueType>
struct my_less
typedef ValueType value_type;
bool operator() (const value_type & a, const value_type & b) const
return a < b;
value_type min_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<value_type>::min(); };
value_type max_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max(); };


[first, last) is a valid range.


  • Internal work: $ \mathcal{O}( N \log N ) $, where $ N = (last - first) \cdot \texttt{sizeof(ExtIterator::value\_type)} $.
  • I/O complexity: $ (2N/DB)(1 + \lceil {\log}_{M/B}(2N/M) \rceil) $ I/Os

stxxl::sort chooses the block size (parameter B) equal to the block size of the container, the last and first iterators pointing to (e.g. stxxl::vector's block size).

The second term in the I/O complexity accounts for the merge phases of the external memory sorting algorithm [26]. Avoiding multiple merge phases speeds up the sorting. In practice one should choose the block size B$of the container to be sorted such that there is only one merge phase needed: $ \lceil {\log}_{M/B}(2N/M) \rceil) = 1 $. This is possible for $ M > DB $ and $ N < M^2/2DB $. But still this restriction gives a freedom to choose a variety of blocks sizes. The study [26] has shown that optimal B for sorting lies in the range $ [M^2/(4N),3M^2/(8N)] $. With such choice of the parameters the stxxl::sort always performs $ 4N/DB $ I/Os.

Internal Memory Consumption

The stxxl::sort consumes slightly more than M bytes of internal memory.

External Memory Consumption

The stxxl::sort is not in-place. It requires about N bytes of external memory to store the sorted runs during the sorting process [26]. After the sorting this memory is freed.


struct MyCmp: public std::less<int> // ascending order
static int min_value() const
static int max_value() const
vec_type V;
// ... fill here the vector with some values
// Sort in ascending order use 512 MiB of main memory
stxxl::sort(V.begin(), V.end(), MyCmp(), 512*1024*1024);
// sorted

Sorted Order Checking

STXXL gives an ability to automatically check the order in the output of STXXL sorters and intermediate results of sorting (the order and a meta information in the sorted runs). The check is switched on if the source codes and the library are compiled with the option -DSTXXL_CHECK_ORDER_IN_SORTS and the option -DNDEBUG is not used. For details see the compiler.make file in the STXXL tar ball. Note, that the checking routines require more internal work as well as additional $ N/DB $ I/Os to read the sorted runs. Therefore for the final non-debug version of a user application on should switch this option off.

This checker checks the stxxl::sort, stxxl::ksort, and the pipelined sorter.