Stxxl  1.3.2
Namespaces | Functions
Collaboration diagram for Algorithms:




template<typename ExtIterator_ , typename KeyExtractor_ >
void ksort (ExtIterator_ first_, ExtIterator_ last_, KeyExtractor_ keyobj, unsigned_type M__)
 Sort records with integer keys. More...
template<typename ExtIterator_ >
void ksort (ExtIterator_ first_, ExtIterator_ last_, unsigned_type M__)
 Sort records with integer keys. More...
template<typename ExtIterator_ , typename RandomNumberGenerator_ , unsigned BlockSize_, unsigned PageSize_, typename AllocStrategy_ >
void random_shuffle (ExtIterator_ first, ExtIterator_ last, RandomNumberGenerator_ &rand, unsigned_type M, AllocStrategy_ AS=STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY())
 External equivalent of std::random_shuffle. More...
template<typename Tp_ , typename AllocStrategy_ , typename SzTp_ , typename DiffTp_ , unsigned BlockSize_, typename PgTp_ , unsigned PageSize_, typename RandomNumberGenerator_ >
void random_shuffle (stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ > first, stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ > last, RandomNumberGenerator_ &rand, unsigned_type M)
 External equivalent of std::random_shuffle (specialization for stxxl::vector) More...
template<typename Tp_ , typename AllocStrategy_ , typename SzTp_ , typename DiffTp_ , unsigned BlockSize_, typename PgTp_ , unsigned PageSize_>
void random_shuffle (stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ > first, stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ > last, unsigned_type M)
 External equivalent of std::random_shuffle (specialization for stxxl::vector) More...
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _UnaryFunction >
_UnaryFunction for_each (_ExtIterator _begin, _ExtIterator _end, _UnaryFunction _functor, int_type nbuffers)
 External equivalent of std::for_each. More...
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _UnaryFunction >
_UnaryFunction for_each_m (_ExtIterator _begin, _ExtIterator _end, _UnaryFunction _functor, int_type nbuffers)
 External equivalent of std::for_each (mutating) More...
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _Generator >
void generate (_ExtIterator _begin, _ExtIterator _end, _Generator _generator, int_type nbuffers)
 External equivalent of std::generate. More...
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _EqualityComparable >
_ExtIterator find (_ExtIterator _begin, _ExtIterator _end, const _EqualityComparable &_value, int_type nbuffers)
 External equivalent of std::find. More...
template<typename ExtIterator_ , typename StrictWeakOrdering_ >
void sort (ExtIterator_ first, ExtIterator_ last, StrictWeakOrdering_ cmp, unsigned_type M)
 Sort records comparison-based. More...
template<typename ExtIterator_ >
void stable_ksort (ExtIterator_ first, ExtIterator_ last, unsigned_type M)
 Sort records with integer keys. More...
template<unsigned BlockSize, class RandomAccessIterator , class CmpType , class AllocStr >
void sort (RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, CmpType cmp, unsigned_type MemSize, AllocStr AS)
 Sorts range of any random access iterators externally. More...

Detailed Description

Algorithms with STL-compatible interface

Key extractor concept

Model of Key extractor concept must:

Example: extractor class GetWeight, that extracts weight from an Edge

  struct Edge
    unsigned src,dest,weight;
    Edge(unsigned s,unsigned d,unsigned w):src(s),dest(d),weight(w){}

  struct GetWeight
   typedef unsigned key_type;
   key_type operator() (const Edge & e) const
       return e.weight;
   Edge min_value() const { return Edge(0,0,(std::numeric_limits<key_type>::min)()); };
   Edge max_value() const { return Edge(0,0,(std::numeric_limits<key_type>::max)()); };

Comparison concept

Model of Comparison concept must:

Example: comparator class my_less_int

  struct my_less_int
   bool operator() (int a, int b) const
       return a < b;
   int min_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); };
   int max_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); };
Example: comparator class my_less, could be instantiated as e.g. my_less<int> , my_less<unsigned long> , ...

  template <typename Tp>
  struct my_less
   typedef Tp value_type;
   bool operator() (const value_type & a, const value_type & b) const
       return a < b;
   value_type min_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<value_type>::min(); };
   value_type max_value() const { return std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max(); };

Function Documentation

template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _EqualityComparable >
_ExtIterator find ( _ExtIterator  _begin,
_ExtIterator  _end,
const _EqualityComparable &  _value,
int_type  nbuffers 

External equivalent of std::find.

The implementation exploits <stxxl> buffered streams (computation and I/O overlapped)
_beginobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_endobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_valuevalue that is equality comparable to the _ExtIterator's value type
nbuffersnumber of buffers (blocks) for internal use (should be at least 2*D )
first iterator i in the range [_begin,_end) such that *( i ) == _value, if no such exists then _end
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _UnaryFunction >
_UnaryFunction for_each ( _ExtIterator  _begin,
_ExtIterator  _end,
_UnaryFunction  _functor,
int_type  nbuffers 

External equivalent of std::for_each.

The implementation exploits <stxxl> buffered streams (computation and I/O overlapped)
_beginobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_endobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_functorfunction object of model of std::UnaryFunction concept
nbuffersnumber of buffers (blocks) for internal use (should be at least 2*D )
function object _functor after it has been applied to the each element of the given range
nested stxxl::for_each are not supported
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _UnaryFunction >
_UnaryFunction for_each_m ( _ExtIterator  _begin,
_ExtIterator  _end,
_UnaryFunction  _functor,
int_type  nbuffers 

External equivalent of std::for_each (mutating)

The implementation exploits <stxxl> buffered streams (computation and I/O overlapped)
_beginobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_endobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
nbuffersnumber of buffers (blocks) for internal use (should be at least 2*D )
function object _functor after it has been applied to the each element of the given range
nested stxxl::for_each_m are not supported
template<typename _ExtIterator , typename _Generator >
void generate ( _ExtIterator  _begin,
_ExtIterator  _end,
_Generator  _generator,
int_type  nbuffers 

External equivalent of std::generate.

The implementation exploits <stxxl> buffered streams (computation and I/O overlapped)
_beginobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_endobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
_generatorfunction object of model of std::Generator concept
nbuffersnumber of buffers (blocks) for internal use (should be at least 2*D )
algo/test_parallel_sort.cpp, algo/test_random_shuffle.cpp, algo/test_scan.cpp, containers/test_vector.cpp, and stream/test_sorted_runs.cpp.
template<typename ExtIterator_ , typename KeyExtractor_ >
void ksort ( ExtIterator_  first_,
ExtIterator_  last_,
KeyExtractor_  keyobj,
unsigned_type  M__ 

Sort records with integer keys.

first_object of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
last_object of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
keyobjkey extractor object
M__amount of memory for internal use (in bytes)
Order in the result is non-stable
algo/sort_file.cpp, and algo/test_ksort.cpp.

References block_manager::delete_block(), block_manager::new_block(), request_interface::wait(), and wait_all().

Referenced by ksort().

template<typename ExtIterator_ >
void ksort ( ExtIterator_  first_,
ExtIterator_  last_,
unsigned_type  M__ 

Sort records with integer keys.

first_object of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
last_object of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
M__amount of buffers for internal use
Order in the result is non-stable

Record's type must:

  • provide max_value method that returns an object that is greater than all other objects of user type ,
  • provide min_value method that returns an object that is less than all other objects of user type ,
  • operator < that must define strict weak ordering on record's values (see what it is).

References ksort().

template<typename ExtIterator_ , typename RandomNumberGenerator_ , unsigned BlockSize_, unsigned PageSize_, typename AllocStrategy_ >
void random_shuffle ( ExtIterator_  first,
ExtIterator_  last,
RandomNumberGenerator_ &  rand,
unsigned_type  M,

External equivalent of std::random_shuffle.

firstbegin of the range to shuffle
lastend of the range to shuffle
randrandom number generator object (functor)
Mnumber of bytes for internal use
ASparallel disk allocation strategy
  • BlockSize_ size of the block to use for external memory data structures
  • PageSize_ page size in blocks to use for external memory data structures

References stream::streamify().

Referenced by random_shuffle().

template<typename Tp_ , typename AllocStrategy_ , typename SzTp_ , typename DiffTp_ , unsigned BlockSize_, typename PgTp_ , unsigned PageSize_, typename RandomNumberGenerator_ >
void random_shuffle ( stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ >  first,
stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ >  last,
RandomNumberGenerator_ &  rand,
unsigned_type  M 

External equivalent of std::random_shuffle (specialization for stxxl::vector)

firstbegin of the range to shuffle
lastend of the range to shuffle
randrandom number generator object (functor)
Mnumber of bytes for internal use

References random_shuffle().

template<typename Tp_ , typename AllocStrategy_ , typename SzTp_ , typename DiffTp_ , unsigned BlockSize_, typename PgTp_ , unsigned PageSize_>
void random_shuffle ( stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ >  first,
stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStrategy_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlockSize_, PgTp_, PageSize_ >  last,
unsigned_type  M 

External equivalent of std::random_shuffle (specialization for stxxl::vector)

firstbegin of the range to shuffle
lastend of the range to shuffle
Mnumber of bytes for internal use

References random_shuffle().

template<typename ExtIterator_ , typename StrictWeakOrdering_ >
void sort ( ExtIterator_  first,
ExtIterator_  last,
StrictWeakOrdering_  cmp,
unsigned_type  M 

Sort records comparison-based.

firstobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
lastobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
cmpcomparison object
Mamount of memory for internal use (in bytes)
Implements external merge sort described in [Dementiev & Sanders'03]
algo/sort_file.cpp, algo/test_bad_cmp.cpp, algo/test_parallel_sort.cpp, algo/test_sort.cpp, stream/test_sorted_runs.cpp, and stream/test_stream.cpp.

References block_manager::delete_block(), block_manager::new_block(), and request_interface::wait().

Referenced by priority_queue_local::internal_priority_queue< value_type, std::vector< value_type >, comparator_type >::sort_to().

template<unsigned BlockSize, class RandomAccessIterator , class CmpType , class AllocStr >
void sort ( RandomAccessIterator  begin,
RandomAccessIterator  end,
CmpType  cmp,
unsigned_type  MemSize,
AllocStr  AS 

Sorts range of any random access iterators externally.

beginiterator pointing to the first element of the range
enditerator pointing to the last+1 element of the range
cmpcomparison object
MemSizememory to use for sorting (in bytes)
ASallocation strategy

The BlockSize template parameter defines the block size to use (in bytes)

Slower than External Iterator Sort

References stream::materialize(), and stream::streamify().

template<typename ExtIterator_ >
void stable_ksort ( ExtIterator_  first,
ExtIterator_  last,
unsigned_type  M 

Sort records with integer keys.

firstobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
lastobject of model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
Mamount of memory for internal use (in bytes)
Elements must provide a method key() which returns the integer key.
Not yet fully implemented, it assumes that the keys are uniformly distributed between [0,(std::numeric_limits<key_type>::max)().
algo/sort_file.cpp, and algo/test_stable_ksort.cpp.

References config::disks_number(), and request_interface::wait().