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The core of STXXL
is an implementation of the C++ standard template library STL for external memory (out-of-core) computations, i.e., STXXL
implements containers and algorithms that can process huge volumes of data that only fit on disks. While the compatibility to the STL supports ease of use and compatibility with existing applications, another design priority is high performance. Here is a selection of STXXL
performance features:
The following compilers have been tested in different STXXL
configurations. Other compilers might work, too, but we don't have the resources (systems, compilers or time) to test them. Feedback is welcome.
The compilers marked with '*' are the developer's favorite choices and are most thoroughly tested.
| parallel parallel | stxxl stxxl stxxl stxxl compiler | + boost + boost ----------------+---------------------------------------- GCC 4.6 c++0x | x PMODE x PMODE GCC 4.6 | x PMODE x PMODE GCC 4.5 c++0x | x PMODE x PMODE GCC 4.5 | x PMODE x PMODE * GCC 4.4 c++0x | x PMODE x PMODE GCC 4.4 | x PMODE x PMODE GCC 4.3 c++0x | x PMODE² x PMODE² GCC 4.3 | x PMODE² x PMODE² GCC 4.2 | x MCSTL x MCSTL GCC 4.1 | x - x - GCC 4.0 | x - x - GCC 3.4 | x - x - GCC 3.3 | o - o - GCC 2.95 | - - - - ICPC 12.0.191 | x¹ PMODE¹² x¹ PMODE¹² ICPC 12.0.191 | x¹ MCSTL¹ x¹ MCSTL¹ * ICPC 11.1.075 | x¹ MCSTL¹ x¹ MCSTL¹ ICPC 11.0.084 | x¹ MCSTL¹ x¹ MCSTL¹ ICPC 10.1.026 | x¹ MCSTL¹ x¹ MCSTL¹ ICPC 10.0.026 | x¹ MCSTL¹ x¹ MCSTL¹ ICPC 9.1.053 | x¹ - x¹ - ICPC 9.0.032 | x¹ - x¹ - clang++ 2.9 | x - x - MSVC 2010 10.0| - - x - * MSVC 2008 9.0 | - - x - MSVC 2005 8.0 | - - x - x = full support o = partial support - = unsupported ? = untested PMODE = supports parallelization using libstdc++ parallel mode MCSTL = supports parallelization using the MCSTL library (superseded by PMODE, introduced in gcc 4.3) ¹ = you may have to add a -gcc-name=<gcc-x.y> option if the system default gcc does not come in the correct version: icpc 9.0: use with gcc 3.x icpc 9.1: use with gcc before 4.2 icpc 10.x, 11.x, 12.0 with mcstl support: use with gcc 4.2 icpc 12.0 with pmode support: use with gcc 4.3 ² = gcc 4.3 only provides partial support for the libstdc++ parallel mode, full support requires gcc 4.4 or later
The Boost libraries are required on Windows platforms using MSVC compiler and optional on other platforms.
has been tested with Boost 1.40.0, 1.42.0 and 1.46.1. Other versions may work, too, but older versions will not get support.
library should be posted to the FORUMS. Please search the forum before posting, your question may have been answered before.STXXL
is distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
You can find a copy of the license in the accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
or online at