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STXXL Sequence

This page introduces into the stxxl::sequence container (to learn more about the structure of stxxl::sequence, see section stxxl::sequence).

In reality, the STXXL sequence container is a STXXL deque container (see Deque) without random access. Deque stands for "double-ended-queue", that means elements can be accessed, inserted and deleted on both ends of the data structure. Consequently both containers are quite similar - however, the usage varies.

Create a STXXL sequence

To create an empty stxxl::sequence object with own write and prefetch block pool, only the data value type must be specified:

typedef stxxl::sequence<int> sequence_type;
sequence_type my_sequence;

Insert elements

Inserting elements is possible at the start (by calling the push_front() function) as well as the end (by calling the push_back() function) of the deque (equal to STXXL Deque)

// sequence now stores: |11|2|5|8|

Access elements

To return a reference to the element at the start of the sequence, call front(), to return a reference to the elemtent at the end of the sequence, call back() on a deque instance.

std::cout << "return 'first' element: " << my_sequence.front() << std::endl; // prints 11
std::cout << "return 'last' element: " << my_sequence.back() << std::endl; // prints 8

Due to the fact that the sequence container does not support random access, the sequence can only be accessed in an I/O-efficient way by iterating using streams: either from front to back or in reverse. For this purpose, the sequence provides the public member functions get_stream() and get_reverse_stream().

The preincrement operator ++ let the stream point to the next element in the sequence (depending on the stream direction). Accessing an element the iterator points to is possible by using the prefixed * operator. To check if the end of the sequence container is reached by the stream, the empty() function returns true in such a case. Note that the stream is immutable and therefore read-only, so you can't modify it's members. The subsequent examples illustrate the usage.

The forward iterator moves from back to front and may be used as follows:

// create stream which points to the front element of the sequence
sequence_type::stream forward_stream = my_sequence.get_stream();
// advance from front to back of sequence
while (!forward_stream.empty())
std::cout << *forward_stream << " ";

The reverse iterator moves from back to front and may be used as follows:

// create stream which points to the back element of the sequence
sequence_type::reverse_stream reverse_stream = my_sequence.get_reverse_stream();
// advance from back to front of sequence
while (!reverse_stream.empty())
std::cout << *reverse_stream << " ";

Delete elements

Removing elements is possible at both endings of the sequence by using pop_front() and pop_back():

my_deque.pop_front(); // deque now stores: |2|5|8|
my_deque.pop_back(); // deque now stores: |2|5|

Determine size / Check whether the sequence is empty

To determine the size (i.e. the number of elements) of an instance, call size():

std::cout << "sequence stores: " << my_sequence.size() << " elements" << std::endl;

To check if the sequence is empty, call empty() which returns true if the sequence is empty:

std::cout << "empty sequence? " << my_sequence.empty() << std::endl;

A minimal working example on STXXL's sequence

(See examples/containers/sequence1.cpp for the sourcecode of the following example).

#include <stxxl/sequence>
#include <iostream>
int main()
typedef stxxl::sequence<int> sequence_type;
sequence_type my_sequence;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
my_sequence.push_back(i * i);
sequence_type::stream forward_stream = my_sequence.get_stream();
while (!forward_stream.empty())
std::cout << *forward_stream << " ";
return 0;