This is the complete list of members for BID< SIZE >, including all inherited members.
BID() (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inline |
BID(file *s, stxxl::int64 o) (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inline |
BID(const BID &obj) (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inline |
BID(const BID< BlockSize > &obj) (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inlineexplicit |
is_managed() const (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inline |
offset | BID< SIZE > | |
operator=(const BID< BlockSize > &obj) (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inline |
size enum value | BID< SIZE > | |
storage | BID< SIZE > | |
t_size enum value | BID< SIZE > | |
valid() const (defined in BID< SIZE >) | BID< SIZE > | inline |