This is a benchmark mentioned in the paper R. Dementiev, L. Kettner, P. Sanders "STXXL: standard template library for XXL data sets" Software: Practice and Experience Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 589-637, May 2008 DOI: 10.1002/spe.844
/*************************************************************************** * containers/tpie_stack_benchmark.cpp * * Part of the STXXL. See * * Copyright (C) 2006 Roman Dementiev <[email protected]> * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * **************************************************************************/ #include "app_config.h" #include <portability.h> #include <versions.h> // Get the AMI_stack definition. #include <ami_stack.h> // Utilities for ASCII output. #include <ami_scan_utils.h> #include <stxxl/bits/common/utils.h> #include <stxxl/bits/verbose.h> #include <stxxl/timer> #define MEM_2_RESERVE (768 * 1024 * 1024) #define BLOCK_SIZE (2 * 1024 * 1024) #ifndef DISKS #define DISKS 1 #endif template <unsigned RECORD_SIZE> struct my_record_ { char data[RECORD_SIZE]; my_record_() { } }; template <class my_record> void run_stack(stxxl::int64 volume) { typedef AMI_stack<my_record> stack_type; MM_manager.set_memory_limit(BLOCK_SIZE * DISKS * 8); STXXL_MSG("Record size: " << sizeof(my_record) << " bytes"); stack_type Stack; stxxl::int64 ops = volume / sizeof(my_record); stxxl::int64 i; my_record cur; stxxl::timer Timer; Timer.start(); for (i = 0; i < ops; ++i) { Stack.push(cur); } Timer.stop(); STXXL_MSG("Records in Stack: " << Stack.stream_len()); if (i != Stack.stream_len()) { STXXL_MSG("Size does not match"); abort(); } STXXL_MSG("Insertions elapsed time: " << (Timer.mseconds() / 1000.) << " seconds : " << (double(volume) / (1024. * 1024. * Timer.mseconds() / 1000.)) << " MiB/s"); Timer.reset(); Timer.start(); my_record * out; for (i = 0; i < ops; ++i) { Stack.pop(&out); } Timer.stop(); STXXL_MSG("Records in Stack: " << Stack.stream_len()); if (Stack.stream_len() != 0) { STXXL_MSG("Stack must be empty"); abort(); } STXXL_MSG("Deletions elapsed time: " << (Timer.mseconds() / 1000.) << " seconds : " << (double(volume) / (1024. * 1024. * Timer.mseconds() / 1000.)) << " MiB/s"); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { using std::cout; using std::endl; #ifdef BTE_COLLECTION_IMP_MMAP cout << "BTE_COLLECTION_IMP_MMAP is defined" << endl; #endif #ifdef BTE_COLLECTION_IMP_UFS cout << "BTE_COLLECTION_IMP_UFS is defined" << endl; #endif #ifdef BTE_STREAM_IMP_UFS cout << "BTE_STREAM_IMP_UFS is defined" << endl; cout << "BTE_STREAM_UFS_BLOCK_FACTOR is " << BTE_STREAM_UFS_BLOCK_FACTOR << endl; cout << "Actual block size is " << (TPIE_OS_BLOCKSIZE() * BTE_STREAM_UFS_BLOCK_FACTOR / 1024) << " KiB" << endl; #endif #ifdef BTE_STREAM_IMP_MMAP cout << "BTE_STREAM_IMP_MMAP is defined" << endl; cout << "BTE_STREAM_MMAP_BLOCK_FACTOR is " << BTE_STREAM_MMAP_BLOCK_FACTOR << endl; cout << "Actual block size is " << (TPIE_OS_BLOCKSIZE() * BTE_STREAM_MMAP_BLOCK_FACTOR / 1024) << " KiB" << endl; #endif #ifdef BTE_STREAM_IMP_STDIO cout << "BTE_STREAM_IMP_STDIO is defined" << endl; #endif cout << "TPIE_OS_BLOCKSIZE() is " << TPIE_OS_BLOCKSIZE() << endl; if (argc < 3) { STXXL_MSG("Usage: " << argv[0] << " version #volume"); STXXL_MSG("\t version = 1: TPIE stack with 4 byte records"); STXXL_MSG("\t version = 2: TPIE stack with 32 byte records"); return -1; } int version = atoi(argv[1]); stxxl::int64 volume = stxxl::atoint64(argv[2]); STXXL_MSG("Allocating array with size " << MEM_2_RESERVE << " bytes to prevent file buffering."); //int * array = new int[MEM_2_RESERVE/sizeof(int)]; int * array = (int *)malloc(MEM_2_RESERVE); std::fill(array, array + (MEM_2_RESERVE / sizeof(int)), 0); STXXL_MSG("Running version: " << version); STXXL_MSG("Data volume : " << volume << " bytes"); switch (version) { case 1: run_stack<my_record_<4> >(volume); break; case 2: run_stack<my_record_<32> >(volume); break; default: STXXL_MSG("Unsupported version " << version); } //delete [] array; free(array); }