This is an example of use of stxxl::map
/*************************************************************************** * containers/test_map_random.cpp * * Part of the STXXL. See * * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Thomas Nowak <[email protected]> * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Roman Dementiev <[email protected]> * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * **************************************************************************/ #include <stxxl/map> #include "map_test_handlers.h" typedef int key_type; typedef int data_type; struct cmp2 : public std::less<int> { static int max_value() { return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(); } }; #define DATA_NODE_BLOCK_SIZE (4096) #define DATA_LEAF_BLOCK_SIZE (4096) typedef std::map<key_type, data_type, cmp2> std_map_type; typedef stxxl::map<key_type, data_type, cmp2, DATA_NODE_BLOCK_SIZE, DATA_LEAF_BLOCK_SIZE> xxl_map_type; #define PERCENT_CLEAR 1 #define PERCENT_ERASE_BULK 9 #define PERCENT_ERASE_KEY 90 #define PERCENT_ERASE_ITERATOR 100 #define PERCENT_INSERT_PAIR 100 #define PERCENT_INSERT_BULK 100 #define PERCENT_SIZING 100 #define PERCENT_LOWER 100 #define PERCENT_UPPER 200 #define PERCENT_FIND 100 #define PERCENT_ITERATOR 100 //#define MAX_KEY 1000 #define MAX_KEY 10000 //#define MAX_STEP 0x0001000 #define NODE_BLOCK_SIZE xxl_map_type::node_block_type::raw_size #define LEAF_BLOCK_SIZE xxl_map_type::leaf_block_type::raw_size #define NODE_MELEMENTS xxl_map_type::node_block_type::size #define LEAF_MELEMENTS xxl_map_type::leaf_block_type::size int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { #ifdef NDEBUG STXXL_MSG("Program is compiled with NDEBUG option, which makes the testing wrong."); return 1; #endif typedef std::vector<std::pair<key_type, data_type> > vector_type; STXXL_MSG("Node block size: " << NODE_BLOCK_SIZE << " bytes"); STXXL_MSG("Leaf block size: " << LEAF_BLOCK_SIZE << " bytes"); STXXL_MSG("Node max elements: " << NODE_MELEMENTS); STXXL_MSG("Leaf max elements: " << LEAF_MELEMENTS); stxxl::random_number32 rnd; //stxxl::ran32State = 1141225706; STXXL_MSG("Init random seed: " << stxxl::ran32State); int a = (PERCENT_CLEAR + PERCENT_SIZING + PERCENT_ERASE_BULK + PERCENT_ERASE_KEY + PERCENT_ERASE_ITERATOR + PERCENT_INSERT_PAIR + PERCENT_INSERT_BULK + PERCENT_LOWER + PERCENT_UPPER + PERCENT_FIND + PERCENT_ITERATOR); assert(a == 1000); if (argc < 2) { STXXL_MSG("Usage: " << argv[0] << " STEP "); STXXL_MSG("Note, that STEP must be > 1000"); return -1; } stxxl::uint64 MAX_STEP = atoi(argv[1]); assert(MAX_STEP > 1000); std_map_type stdmap; xxl_map_type xxlmap(NODE_BLOCK_SIZE * 4, LEAF_BLOCK_SIZE * 3); for (stxxl::uint64 i = 0; i < MAX_STEP; i++) { // *************************************************** // A random number is created to determine which kind // of operation we will be called. // *************************************************** long step = rnd() % 1000; int percent = 0; if (i % (MAX_STEP / 1000) == 0) { STXXL_MSG("*****************************************************"); STXXL_MSG("Step=" << i << " (" << (unsigned)stdmap.size() << ")"); } // ********************************************************* // The clear function will be called // ********************************************************* if (step < (percent += PERCENT_CLEAR)) { if ((unsigned)rand() % 1000 < stdmap.size()) { stdmap.clear(); xxlmap.clear(); assert(stdmap.empty()); assert(xxlmap.empty()); } } // ********************************************************* // The size function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_SIZING)) { std_map_type::size_type size1 = stdmap.size(); xxl_map_type::size_type size2 = xxlmap.size(); assert(size1 == size2); } // ********************************************************* // The erase range function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_ERASE_BULK)) { key_type key1 = rand() % MAX_KEY; key_type key2 = rand() % MAX_KEY; if (key1 > key2) { std::swap(key1, key2); } stdmap.erase(stdmap.lower_bound(key1), stdmap.upper_bound(key2)); xxlmap.erase(xxlmap.lower_bound(key1), xxlmap.upper_bound(key2)); assert(stdmap.size() == xxlmap.size()); assert(stdmap.lower_bound(key1) == stdmap.end() || stdmap.lower_bound(key1) == stdmap.upper_bound(key2)); assert(xxlmap.lower_bound(key1) == xxlmap.end() || xxlmap.lower_bound(key1) == xxlmap.upper_bound(key2)); } // ********************************************************* // The erase a key function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_ERASE_KEY)) { key_type key = rnd() % MAX_KEY; stdmap.erase(key); xxlmap.erase(key); assert(stxxl::not_there(stdmap, key)); assert(stxxl::not_there(xxlmap, key)); } // ********************************************************* // The erase function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_ERASE_ITERATOR)) { key_type key = rnd() % MAX_KEY; std_map_type::iterator stditer = stdmap.find(key); xxl_map_type::iterator xxliter = xxlmap.find(key); assert(stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer) == is_end(xxlmap, xxliter)); if (stditer != stdmap.end()) stdmap.erase(stditer); if (xxliter != xxlmap.end()) xxlmap.erase(xxliter); assert(stxxl::not_there(stdmap, key)); assert(stxxl::not_there(xxlmap, key)); } // ********************************************************* // The insert function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_INSERT_PAIR)) { key_type key = rnd() % MAX_KEY; stdmap.insert(std::pair<key_type, data_type>(key, 2 * key)); xxlmap.insert(std::pair<key_type, data_type>(key, 2 * key)); assert(stxxl::there(stdmap, key, 2 * key)); assert(stxxl::there(xxlmap, key, 2 * key)); } // ********************************************************* // The bulk insert function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_INSERT_BULK)) { unsigned lower = rnd() % MAX_KEY; unsigned upper = rnd() % MAX_KEY; if (lower > upper) std::swap(lower, upper); vector_type v2(upper - lower); for (unsigned j = 0; j < (unsigned)(upper - lower); j++) { v2[j].first = lower + j; v2[j].second = 2 * v2[j].first; } stdmap.insert(v2.begin(), v2.end()); xxlmap.insert(v2.begin(), v2.end()); for (unsigned i = lower; i < upper; i++) assert(stxxl::there(stdmap, i, 2 * i)); for (unsigned i = lower; i < upper; i++) assert(stxxl::there(xxlmap, i, 2 * i)); } // ********************************************************* // The lower_bound function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_LOWER)) { key_type key1 = rand() % MAX_KEY; key_type key2 = rand() % MAX_KEY; if (key1 > key2) { std::swap(key1, key2); } while (key1 < key2) { std_map_type::iterator stditer = stdmap.lower_bound(key1); xxl_map_type::iterator xxliter = xxlmap.lower_bound(key1); assert(stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer) == is_end(xxlmap, xxliter)); if (!stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer)) { assert(stxxl::is_same(*(stditer), *(xxliter))); } key1++; } } // ********************************************************* // The upper_bound function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_UPPER)) { key_type key1 = rand() % MAX_KEY; key_type key2 = rand() % MAX_KEY; if (key1 > key2) { std::swap(key1, key2); } while (key1 < key2) { std_map_type::iterator stditer = stdmap.upper_bound(key1); xxl_map_type::iterator xxliter = xxlmap.upper_bound(key1); assert(stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer) == is_end(xxlmap, xxliter)); if (!stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer)) { assert(stxxl::is_same(*(stditer), *(xxliter))); } key1++; } } // ********************************************************* // The find function will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_FIND)) { key_type key1 = rand() % MAX_KEY; key_type key2 = rand() % MAX_KEY; if (key1 > key2) { std::swap(key1, key2); } while (key1 < key2) { std_map_type::iterator stditer = stdmap.find(key1); xxl_map_type::iterator xxliter = xxlmap.find(key1); assert(stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer) == stxxl::is_end(xxlmap, xxliter)); if (!stxxl::is_end(stdmap, stditer)) { assert(stxxl::is_same(*(stditer), *(xxliter))); } key1++; } } // ********************************************************* // The iterate functions will be called // ********************************************************* else if (step < (percent += PERCENT_ITERATOR)) { std_map_type::const_iterator siter1 = stdmap.begin(); xxl_map_type::const_iterator xiter1 = xxlmap.begin(); std_map_type::const_iterator siter2 = siter1; xxl_map_type::const_iterator xiter2 = xiter1; while (siter1 != stdmap.end()) { assert(xiter1 != xxlmap.end()); assert(stxxl::is_same(*(siter1++), *(xiter1++))); if (siter1 != stdmap.end()) { assert(!stxxl::is_same(*siter1, *siter2)); } if (xiter1 != xxlmap.end()) { assert(!stxxl::is_same(*xiter1, *xiter2)); } } assert(xiter1 == xxlmap.end()); assert(siter2 == stdmap.begin()); assert(xiter2 == xxlmap.begin()); } } return 0; }