STXXL  1.4.0
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STXXL Matrix

This section introduces into the STXXL matrix container (to learn more about the structure of stxxl::matrix, see section Matrix).

Create a STXXL Matrix

Before using a STXXL matrix, we initially have to define and then to instantiate a matrix object. Two template parameters are required to define a stxxl::matrix container. ValueType defines the type of the contained objects (must be a POD with no references to internal memory) and BlockSizeLength specifies the side length of the square submatrices (blocks). BlockSizeLength is given in bits and must be a multiple of k assuming a valueType of k bits. The block schedular is used for swapping of blocks and provide blocks for temporary storage and expects the type of swappable_blocks to manage as a parameter. Can be some specialized subclass. We used matrix_swappable_block as a subclass which holds the same template parameters as the aforementioned stxxl::matrix container.

// Define integer matrix
// template paramter <ValueType, BlockSideLength>
// template paramter <ValueType, BlockSideLength>
typedef stxxl::matrix<int, 32> matrix_type;
// construct block schedular object which uses 64 MiB internal memory for caching
block_schedular_type my_bs(64*1024*1024);

Instanciate three new height x width (3 x 3 in this example) matrices A, B and C using a block schedular.
Note that all values are initially set to zero.

int height = 3;
int width = 3;
matrix_type A(my_bs, height, width); // creates a new matrix A of given dimensions. Elements' values are set to zero.
matrix_type B(my_bs, height, width); // B
matrix_type C(my_bs, height, width); // C

Insert / Access elements

To insert and access elements, the STXXL matrix container intends different iterators. Iterate for example row-by-row beginning with the top row can be done with the row_major_iterator. The operator * accesses a single element the iterator points to just now.

typedef matrix_type::row_major_iterator row_iterator;
// let it_A point to the first element of matrix A and advance till the very last element of matrix A is reached
for (row_iterator it_A = A.begin(); it_A != A.end(); ++it_A)
*it_A = 1; // set current matrix element to 1

Determine size of matrix

To detect the height and width of a given matrix C, we can call:

std::cout << "height: " << C.get_height() << " - " << "width: " << C.get_width() << std::endl;

Matrix Operations

The STXXL Matrix container provides the following arithmetic operations:

  • Addition, Substraction and Multiplication of two matrices A and B.
    C = A + B;
    C = A - B;
    C = A * B;
  • Transposition and Zeroing of a matrix C.

A minimal working example of STXXL's Matrix

(See examples/containers/matrix1.cpp for the sourcecode of the following example).

#include <iostream>
int main()
// Matrix dimensions
int height = 3;
int width = 3;
int internal_memory = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
const int small_block_order = 32; // must be multiple of matrix valueType in bits
block_schedular_type my_bs(internal_memory);
// Create 3 matrices with given dimensions
matrix_type A(my_bs, height, width);
matrix_type B(my_bs, height, width);
matrix_type C(my_bs, height, width);
typedef matrix_type::row_major_iterator row_iterator;
int i = 0;
// Fill matrix A with values 0,1,2,3,...
for (row_iterator it_A = A.begin(); it_A != A.end(); ++it_A, ++i)
*it_A = i;
i = 0;
// Fill matrix B with values 0,2,4,8,...
for (row_iterator it_B = B.begin(); it_B != B.end(); ++it_B, ++i)
*it_B = i * 2;
// Multiply matrix A and B and store result in matrix C
C = A * B;
// Print out matrix C
for (row_iterator it_C = C.begin(); it_C != C.end(); ++it_C)
std::cout << *it_C << " ";
return 0;